What MPS Clients Have To Say…
“It’s a very fair system, it’s super convenient and has a lot of bells and whistles that really makes parking easy in Royal Oak, and that was our goal.”
-Corrigan O’Donohue, Former Chief of Police
Royal Oak, MI
“We believe this is the fairest and friendliest meter on the market today and we are committed to providing and exceptional shopping and parking experience."
-Ari Brown, Village Trustee
Cedarhurst, NY
"There are always these quick stops people do. They might run in for five minutes, but five minutes is five minutes too long when a bus can't pull up to a curb or a biker is coming down a bike lane, or a person can't be seen in a crosswalk."
-Suzanne Rinfret, City Director of Traffic and Parking
Somerville, MA
"Keeping the current meters would lead to declining revenue each year because more and more break down. Having working meters allows shoppers to visit establishments to conduct business, and encourages them to move their vehicles once that business is complete."
-Kathy Angerer, Former Hamtramck City Manager
Hamtramck, MI
"After installation of the MPS SolarSticks, we saw an immediate change in parking behavior and compliance. Ordering more MPS SolarSticks was a no- brainer for us."
- Rob Sliker, Parking Enforcement
Wilkes-Barre, PA